Monday, 1 September 2014

You and your happiness.

"Your happiness starts with YOU – not with your relationships, not with your job, not with your money, but WITH YOU. It is not always easy to find happiness in ourselves, but it is always impossible to find it elsewhere. Remember, it is not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself and to make yourself a priority. It’s necessary."
~Mandy Hale

Love yourself! 
Appreciate yourself! 
Take care of yourself! 
Be proud of yourself!
And, don't worry about the people who will use such words as, "immodest", "arrogant", "snob", "selfish"... 
They have no idea!
You owe no one no apology for loving and believing in yourself.
Besides, people will always find something to complain about anyways...
However, always remember that no matter how good you think you are, there is always room to be better. 
So, strive to be better. Reach for more. And look to bless others.
This consciousness will definitely keep you humble, otherwise it will be such a waste.

"Learning this lesson has been so enriching and liberating."


Chetachi Oruche said...

Some great tips for a happy life!

Jane Oma said...

Couldn't agree more!!