Wednesday 3 December 2014


We have all been at one time or another been influenced by things. Sentiments. People. Emotions.
We have received inspiration and motivation from people. From something they said or wrote. By something they did or didn't do.
And, indeed it is commendable that we allow ourselves to be inspired and motivated.

But, sometimes, we find ourselves on the opposite side of the coin and we allow ourselves to be misguided. To be negatively influenced.
We know we shouldn't, but we do it anyways.
We acquiesce to external or internal influences that  propel us to self doubt. And, sometimes, we do not realise it until it's too late.

Today, I encourage you to look out for those things, those emotions, those people, those situations that tend to push you towards the directions we shouldn't be heading to.

You should identify them and once you do, you should run for dear life.

Refuse to be misguided by your fears.
Refuse to be misguided by your past.
Refuse to be misguided by conventions.
Refuse to be misguided by societal norms.
Refuse to be misguided by what people say or do.
Refuse to be misguided by what you have or don't have.
Refuse to be misguided by misgivings, be they yours or other people's.

Refuse to succumb to anything that does not build you up.
Don't concur with any word or thought process that does not elevate.
And, don't be misguided.

Stay focused and as my Mum would say, "Surround yourself always with people who will motivate and inspire you to be the best that you can possibly be".

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